Tuesday 30 December 2008

Andy Ashton

You need only glance at Andy Ashton’s amazing physique to realize that he is prime modeling material. He has attained the chiseled and sculpted figure that many wish they could possess and a level of success that many covet.


Most male models dream of modeling for Abercombie & Fitch, and Andy will be the face of the acclaimed brand in 2009.


Among his other titles, Andy is a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach. “For many years I have been passionate about Holistic Health and fitness.” His website notes him as a prominent expert in the field of holistic health & fitness, corrective exercise and lifestyle coaching.


Andy is able to help his clients by treating the root cause of a problem as opposed to the symptoms. In nutrition, “The one size fits all approach has consistently failed. [My] concept is to treat the body as a whole system.”


Interview Angie Workmen, Photos Nate Jensen Creative  Full interview and more pictures at On Display Men

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